256 Mission Driven: Saving Lives in Afghanistan with Valerie Edmondson Bolaños

In this episode of Christopher Lochhead: Follow Your Different, you will hear one of the most inspiring, horrifying, and yet deeply moving conversations from our guest, Valerie Edmondson Bolaños.

Since August of 2021, Valerie and the Warrior Angels Rescue has been evacuating girls, women, and their families from the humanitarian crisis that is escalating in Afghanistan after the United States left. What you’re about to hear is really one of the most inspiring mission-driven founders you can listen to. We hope that it moves you as well.

Listen to the full podcast here >>

Christopher Lochhead, host. “Mission Driven: Saving Lives in Afghanistan.” Follow Your Different, episode 256, 05 February 2021, https://lochhead.com/valerie-edmondson-bolanos/.


From hurricanes to humanitarian crisis, local woman rescuing hundreds from Afghanistan


Key Biscayne resident on a difficult mission: rescuing girls in Afghanistan